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Kuwait slams Zionist entity's brutal crimes

Feb 13, 2023

Cairo [Egpyt], February 13: Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Al-Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah renewed Kuwait's strong condemnation of "unjustifiable (Zionist) brutality" against the Palestinian people in the occupied territories. "Kuwait followed, with profound concern, the recent escalation of the brutal crimes which constitute a flagrant violation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and international law," Sheikh Salem in his address to the high-level Conference in Support of Jerusalem, hosted at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo on Sunday.
Sheikh Salem, leading Kuwait delegation to the gathering, recalled the Zionist onslaught on the West Bank city of Jenin, where dozens of unarmed civilians were killed or injured, and the repeated storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem. Expressing condolences to the families of the Palestinian martyrs, he said, "Kuwait calls on the international community to respond urgently and effectively to these violations and provide full protection to the brotherly people of Palestine."
"Such brutality risks undermining the prospects of peace and fueling violence in the region," the minister warned, holding the Zionist occupation authorities responsible for the consequences of the aggression. On the legal status of Jerusalem, Sheikh Salem reiterated, on behalf of Kuwait, strong opposition to any unilateral attempts by the Zionist entity, the occupying authority, to tamper with the historical and legal status of the holy city, including the Muslim and Christian shrines there.
"Kuwait maintains strong belief in the legitimacy of the Palestinian cause and the righteous struggle of the Palestinian people against the (Zionist) occupation. "Accordingly, Kuwait stands by the Palestinian people and back their options for realizing a fair and comprehensive solution, ending the occupation, ensuring the return of refugees to their homeland, and establishing an independent state within the pre-June 4, 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in keeping with the relevant UN resolutions, the two-state vision and the Arab initiative for peace," he stressed.
Source: Kuwait Times